
Interview – The Brunswick Inn

With the easing of lockdown many small hospitality businesses are now able to open up, initially with outdoor services. One such venue to reopen is The Brunswick Inn in Derby, and I caught up with them to find out how the pandemic has affected the business and his hopes for the re-opening.

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In categories: Derbyshire Pubs & Restaurants, East Midlands Pubs & Restaurants, Interviews, Pubs & Restaurants, The Brunswick Inn, Derby

Interview – Dog & Parrot

One micropub has that managed to keep going during the COVID-19 pandemic is the Dog & Parrot in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire. We caught up with the team at the Dog to get the full lowdown on how the pandemic has effected the business as well as their involvement with creating government pub guidelines, and some wider thoughts on the micropub trade going forward.

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In categories: Dog & Parrot, Eastwood, East Midlands Micropubs, Interviews, Micropubs, Nottinghamshire Micropubs