A Visit to Smokeworks Station Road
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Something that I very rarely get the opportunity to do at present is to visit a pub or restaurant and enjoy a relaxing meal and drink. So when such an opportunity presented itself back in June 2022 I decided to do just that, and I had one particular Cambridge eatery in mind – Smokeworks.

Same smoke, different venue
Now prior to this I’ve visited Smokeworks twice already at their city centre venue on Free School Lane, but they have a second restaurant located near to the city’s railway station. It’s still only a short walk away from the city centre and so on what was a glorious day in Cambridge a gentle walk to Smokeworks’ Station Road venue was in order.
Setting foot inside the first thing that strikes me about the Station Road eatery is that it’s bigger and a bit more spacious than their Free School Lane venue. That being the main difference between the two venues but other than that there are some features found at their city centre venue that you will also find here. For starters there are the service call devices at each table where you turn a nozzle to grab the attention of a member of staff.

The accompanying service board listing all tables is present here too except here it’s a lot more snazzy. As well as a light indicating service calls for a particular table the service board and each of the tables are linked by neon tube lights which light up when service is called. When lit up these lights do look rather fetching, it’s just a shame that they have a flashing light effect – now that would be cool.

Call for dinner
With service called (and the lights lit up) it was time to order some good smoky grub. The menu is still the usual affair of burgers, sandwiches and ribs. On my last visit to Smokeworks (during Covid restrictions when I was outside, and it rained) I opted for the Buffalo Chicken sandwich and I decided to go for the same again this time, only this time in proper sheltered surroundings. Again the sandwich itself was spicy enough thanks to the hot buffalo sauce, and I did again opt for a small amount of crumbled blue cheese to add to the main pulled chicken and bacon filling. As with all main meals a decent side serving of fries was provided.

As with my last visit to Smokeworks my Buffalo Chicken Sandwich was rather tasty with the right amount off spicy kick. That said I’m glad I ordered a cold drink to go with my meal, this time a non-alcoholic beer. It is fair to say that I’m becoming a fan of this particular chicken dish, but perhaps I should opt for something different on a future visit – only I can decide that.

Another smokin good visit
Once again I had a very enjoyable experience at Smokeworks and I’ll no doubt be paying another visit to the eatery in the near future. In addition to the excellent food and service it was good to be able to sit indoors unlike last time (just my luck then). So in short Smokeworks isn’t just good – it’s smokin good.

Getting to Smokeworks
Smokeworks have two locations in Cambridge; on Station Road near the city’s main railway station (the one I visited this time), and on Free School Lane in Cambridge City Centre. Both are easily accessible by main bus routes that serve both the city centre and railway station.
Station venue – 1-3 Station Road, Cambridge CB1 2JB
City Centre venue – 2 Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3QA
Website – https://www.smokeworks.co.uk
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SmokeWorksBBQ
Twitter – https://twitter.com/smokeworksbbq
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/smokeworksbbq/